Black Homeowners Guide to Avoiding the Latest Rip-offs and Scams

African American, and still experience the largest percentage of victims when it comes to scams, frauds and rip-off.Prevare cover everything from home repair, home mortgage, home improvement, car repair and many other consumer matters. As the economy continues to tighten and many predict this trend will grow as more companies and individuals grow more desperate to maintain company profits.

Most of the services and customer minded companies and individuals (including me) will not mind you checking them out. However, companies, contractors and agents who have spotty records without permission or shady pass will get nervous that someone check their background.

A recent government study also found African Americans, not only the most damaged, but least likely to research or check out companies before you record them employment. Many companies and individuals to take advantage of this little known fact and the goal of African-Americans. These shady companies and individuals lure their victims with low prices, easy credit, or outrageous promises to get their job. To avoid the stress test act immediately or lose the low prices, easy credit, or other bonus or free offer promise.

One of the main reasons most people do not take the time to check the background of the company or individuals are reduced to two reasons, based on research. These two reasons, the knowledge and convenience. Most people have only a vague idea about who to contact. Those who know how to contact has found time to write or call the right agency for consumer protection.

With today's computer technology, on standby waiting for your whole dinner, or even worse is over. Many companies that make their business for the consumer to continue to work feverishly to make it easier for consumers to make businesses, individuals and home complaints.

Here are two organizations that contact quickly check a job before you give them your money. Just Google the organization to get their web addresses.

1.Better Business Bureau

BBB acts as an arbitrator between consumers and companies

BBB does not hold legal authority over the companies (I will discuss these later) keeps records of complaint about companies and charities, and issues fraud alerts.

BBB also handles complaints about Internet businesses, as well.

2 Your State Department of Consumer Affairs

State Department of Consumer issues including consumer related companies in your state. They offer the most popular scams currently in your state, and fraud protection tips. They offer a quick and easy online complaint forms and more.

One of the keys to protecting yourself and your wallet from a scam artist or not-care companies that are in the habit of quickly checking out companies or individuals doing business s. Remember the quality of companies or individuals do not mind it. At least Google the company or person. You'll find the more you do it the easier it will be like breathing.

In fact, you'll feel uncomfortable not checking out the new companies that do business with. It's a good thing, because you have the risk of victimization drops drastically.