Consumer Buying Guidlines

We all have made the purchase did not really want or need. This could be a sales person and an aggressive attitude or the price was only good passup. How many times we came home and said: "I wish I did not buy ."

So here are some guidelines to follow while shopping in order to ensure that you do not experience the regret of the unplanned purchase.

-. Before you get to the store know exactly what you want and how much you can afford to pay

- ask someone knowledgeable about the product you're thinking about buying. You can ask someone you trust like a family member or friend.

-. Avoid, at all costs the temptation to buy something on impulse or under pressure

- The research product that you intend to buy. Go online and search for models, brands and prices. Read consumer reviews on the product. Find a reasonable price you expect to pay. Finally, research the company you are buying from.

. - If you are not familiar with the company to use the local Consumer Affairs office or Better Business Bureau

- Ask the companie return policy. Did they fix things at home? Do you drive them away for repair? If they let the repairs could be months for your item to be returned to you.

- Check the items warranty. Does this include the entire object or just pieces? Does the warranty include shipping? For example, sending a 32-inch TV for repair could be expensive.

- Ask the company that you can contact if you have any problems or questions. If you contact the manufacturer or a business where you made ​​a purchase?

- Ask any discounts before you buy. Did they offer in the store or manufacturer? Manufacturer rebates could take many months to come, if at all. With this type of discount business that sold the item has no control over their return. (This is something that is not usually mentioned .)

- If you use the trade financing or any other legal contract make sure you read and understand all terms and conditions. If you have any questions ask the sales person. If you are unclear or wrong to ask someone else, or walking. If you have been promised any specific price or add-ons make sure you get that in writing.

- When you get home, make sure you save all the papers that came with your purchase. Ensure you send email, all requests for warranty and keep a copy for yourself.

if you follow these guidelines can not guarantee that you will never again ask "Why am I so gullible ?"