Obtaining Your California Guard Card

Some states require that you get a guard card before you start working as a security guard. After you get your card, your possibilities are endless. You can enjoy the prestige and responsibility that goes with the title. If you do not get California guard card, you will not be able to work in this position.

This is not recommended that you work as a security guard without a California guard card. Can you spot the high risk of never working in this position again, and this may affect your employer. It will certainly be fine if you are caught.

In order to obtain a California Guard Card, which will complete the proper training needed to do their job to the best of your ability. Without proper training you will know exactly what your powers of government as a guard. If you say or do something wrong, you will be placing themselves at high risk. For example, can be arrested for assault, if you keep a thief without following procedure.

to get your California guard card you will need to be properly trained in a licensed facility. You will need to complete the eight-hour certification course. After the course, you will get California guard card.

the cost of training is $ 60 and that includes your credit card as well. Although there are other ways to receive training, it is important that the facility is licensed to work in this position.

Our company is working alongside with the Institute for Security and investigative services. This is the division of consumer affairs and supervise all the rules and regulations that relate directly to the field of security guard.

You do not have a choice though. You can attend the training facility and, although some offices choose to take this time it is important to know that you will not only have to travel to school and wait in line to sign up, but you also have to wait for classes to start, and then wait for everything to finish before they can be examined. This process can take much time to you May not have.

We know you need to know, and we do not waste your time to give information to you. We offer online training course that is perfectly designed so that you get the most out of your education and training. You will receive an on-line easy to use guide to the study s. Getting your California guard card has never been simpler.