About ‘got it wrong' things in human society. Part (1)

Introduction: News headquarters located in alfsworldgripes.com. With extra free entry into the status of spiritual boot camp. Then acquire the knowledge and practical means to solve this eternal social hiccups civilization and chaos that plague every generation and every nation. Obviously this new information requires patient study before casting the court, because there are many words to review before the reader begins to make sense of their new information. Since this information is nothing like our current non-stop media, science and education, indoctrinated with incomplete information. They supply their data, I do not see the other side of the board of physical life, they are writing about information that is too ... indelible information, unlike our current information.

William John Hatten -. Author

Opening Alf Boot Camp verbal salvo:

o respect for life and this planet, rather than self-satisfaction ... self-aggrandizement ... self-importance ... self-indulgence ... self-obsession and everything else only fuels our confidence, our ego, our fragile, I have created (only), and the material goes without which the direction of consumer society called progress. Note opportunistic out of control corporate media and marketing fraternity, with a degree in psychology abuse of fuel out of control consumerism and psychological disorder in society. Because as we move from those of commercial use of structured primordial human weakness as adults, we are unable to develop in the future remains to be understood spiritually actual system that underwrites the physical life and its evolution. It is time to bring some thought and humility that you exploit the primordial / instinctive self-gratification, conquest, greed, winning, human worship, ego driven activities to gain confidence and so-called success and happiness.

According to the law of averages, we have time to make some spiritual understanding and better awareness of those adolescent-targeted all-consuming self-serving commercial television and glossy magazine distributed ego activity. We are way overdue to bring some dignity and respect for the life of those rewarded with applause and got it wrong Media / Entertainment / TV saturated immature adult activity, or we will end up on the funny farm, and even worse, as a species. Realize that you can not keep relentlessly expanding, consuming, conquering, decay, and worshiped and exploit all the fuel our self-esteem and immature idea of progress on this planet live without self-destruction of the delusional process. This child wants action (consumerism) went out of control increased in adults.

Clarification of the opening Salvo:

written by fictitious consumers and Wal-Mart enthusiast to must-have moment:

"Oh yes! What do you think outside the control of the child in me. ... I grew up had kids and mortgages and credit cards whopping big blow. We have the latest talking refrigerator, at least 90 feet flat screen TV seems to hamburgers and cafe latte between commercial breaks. We have the latest fashion Barbie and Ken i-love-me clothes ego catwalk Fopsville, the latest brain thing with mobile carrier sense recall on hold, the latest you beaut super duper electronic gizmo packed with vertical takeoff vehicles, Latest DVD player with multiple Zonca free instruction in the twenty-five languages​​, not forgetting its new three hundred hp chip-blown remote control ride on lawn mower with an electronic lunch-pack, and extra earpod said.

Oh yeah! and I have accumulated a lot of my overseas Wall Street share portfolio to fly to the moon and explore its craters next year ... Then next year, with all the frequent flyer points than me months of travel and credit card binge, I have enough to get a buck a trip to Mars in my Wal-Mart do-it-your-i 'and assemble at home intergalactic' Doctor Who 'and collect all that remained of those the failure of the probes and remote control arise because the junk from someone on Foxnewt said that the big bucks in it and the famous agreement and Fred travel into the Casino if it is the first in its newsroom with junk.

Oh yeah! almost forgot to mention my newly installed large male triple glass in the house to make all the noise from my neighbors complaining when I listen to my 10 000 W 98 decibels, hi-fi and twanging and jumping up and down on me 102 decibel electric guitar and electric fortissimo jungle drums that I issued last week on now and go deaf later on the biological meaning of the loan and just to make me live in your partner happy, i ordered the latest battle for time-saving washing machine with internal smoothing circuits, and more local entertainment with Internet access for children, and she has to wash and dry spinning them together at the same time.

Basically, what subliminal child yer talking about, 'cause I is not got one on me. How much is it anyway? and can I put it to one of my thousands of fly-by credit card, "because I do not want to miss if you did a good job on Dang Wal-Mart."

Explanation of above consumer misconceptions. Also called man-made reality, lived ideology and got it wrong, "the upper part of town is distributed in the spiritual life of Boot Camp.

there is no place on this planet is overpopulated waste greed, gross excess, saturation advertising, self love, winning in all, conquers all, takes advantage of everything, consuming everything, blind experimentation at all, re-arranging everything and man-made pollutants are increasingly because we are destroying the future of civilization with that got it wrong material runs the activities we call progress. This conclusion is doomsday, means it's time to start thinking and functioning of all the nations and individuals, and not just misguided-free part of the people as individuals, if we want the future of this global civilization.

Note: As throttling back to beyond the control of unsustainable greed drives the global economy and demoting those euphoric money making seats. Who are underwriting their infectious errors to fuel their self-esteem and the idea of progress ... as well as their share portfolios, bank balance and a big house on the hill. Also called a success, achievement, victory and conquest of power and control of instinctual primal work got it wrong "human beings to provide the ego and megalomania blink. Who have completed at St. Peter's finger and shows a list of overcrowded detention room in the camp because of it.

Related delusional material and finger-point in question:
The power and greed drives use to manipulate the market monopoly. Example: on top of soft drinks and alcohol manufacturers - Fast Food Kingdom - Electronic Gizmo Brigade and others outside the control of high-tech companies polluting. No names at this stage ... but you know who you are, or monopoly of multinational giants and their partners in the illusion. Specifically, creating paintings Marketing / Advertising Agencies brainwashing consumers and minds of our children with impunity - double ugh! Directive detention room, is to stay out of third world nations with their entrepreneurial self-serving profit boosted contribution called progress and happiness on this planet. So on top of saturated advertising and dissemination of consumer goods and their toxic polluting polystyrene and plastic packaging, full of world-wide plague proportions in the land and ocean food chain.

As an authority on the subject, ie, picking them up? Alf must admit, after extensive review and study over many years, that they do not spread and germinate, which are planted by thoughtless human hands. This means that they are sterile and unproductive, as we and the rest of life on this planet will become common, if you keep it. This means that seeds are not productive because they are synthetic and non-biological ... As we are fast becoming as human beings. Thanks to blind the science that created hazardous synthetic problem and a big greedy corporate businesses that have cashed in on it. Those unproductive infertile seeds are not needed in poor nations, what they need are real productive seed, not a synthetic chemical pollutants are weeds and greed to fuel its economy. It is also time for a lot more recycling of consumer waste on this planet. To then create a permanent reduction of employment and preservation of resources ... they are not unlimited, but very valuable for future generations.

Fact: None of the above or their contents ... in relation to consumables, it is still in further scientific research and does not look very promising in the obesity department, support those poor nations infrastructure, social evolution, culture, or farms. All you are doing is taking what little money they are making another consumer outlet for their products and synthetic polluted mega profits. They are not ready and not of Western culture and the gross excesses, greed and got it wrong TV commercial & magazine glossy saturated himself donated superficial values ​​- not forever.

Note: Or use their cheap labor to manufacture their goods in the nations, and then selling them back to have the so-called developed countries. Which was established industry, labor, culture and way of life, to destroy the obscene profits of exploiting the labor of the poor in a politically corrupt naroda.Pohlepa author delusion, which leads to the Funny Farm for our kind of sums up the so-called economic progress to large corporate business owned by a level playing field . Detention room quote from Alf: "Those in power down castles can fool yourself and others most of the time ... but never on the floor."

Other global delusional questions:
Boot Camp tip is that all nations should become the only support for its economy and industry and to continue with their social and spiritual evolution in our own unique culture ... to large corporate Global Business destroys through greed, saturation advertising and beyond the control of the global economy. Third world nations have become self-sufficient once again. They must return to its natural affinity with the land and agriculture again. Restore their self respect and dignity again. Restoring the spirit of the land and their ancestors to their hearts and minds again. Restoring their family traditions and positive cultural traditions to spiritual means to lead them back to the rails of the spiritual evolution of another. But not with greed runs polluting high-tech synthetic materials and consumer products in abundance, is called an unstoppable global economy and progress.

Serious global economy things:
If you do not correct this corrupt destructive toxic polluting the global deception we call progress, then one of the people and thought the people causing the problem, it will be socially and spiritually samouništenje.Globalne economy that the current government out of control and greed drive configuration, is unsustainable and will lead to global war on the reduction of funds down the track of time ... and synthetic polluted planet is dying to go to war njom.Globalni resources to existing Media saturated endless conflict, revolution, anarchy, chaos, corruption and genocide, he supported the arms manufacturers and irresponsible so-called civilized nations making huge profits from it, pale into insignificance . Constant Third World is funded by the World chaos, which has caused a mass exodus of people from the country's overcrowded cities and other nations.

Fact: These are overcrowded cities that are born evil ... and to bear globally. It is time for the UN and the so-called civilized nations of the rich to the functioning of international law, to do something about it while the weather. Arid nations require the development of natural water catchment areas for the rare rain ... Ecology is not a huge destructive dams in large rivers. Those people need banks, responsible for international law and without political corruption and a smart entrepreneurial opportunists both within and outside government. They need seeds, wells, farm animals, implements, agricultural tools and other appropriate machines, with a decent help, advice and technical, medical, farming and infrastructure to know when he asked for.

Explanation: that rich nations should not dictate and impose their rules on the progress on them, which does not contain a spiritual foundation ... only the material basis for the consumer is guaranteed a large sum of money and greed. Be firm, unambiguous and directly with them to, but always in harmony with them on their level and respect their culture and traditions of those who support life and nature ... but not those who do not, as in the blood sport and the degradation of life. It is a spiritual maturity, is called respect for human dignity and watching this respect is born of respect in the real system that underwrites life and its evolution ... rather than flows through fear, intimidation and bumping people. Note Machiavellian politics corrupt Criminal Russia, which only repeats the errors of his blind megalomania of the Stalinist past, in his new 'normally' version of how to run and control the nation and its people and re-claim their lost macho super power status in the world.

Why is it necessary to meet the developing nations on their level?
Since all cultures are at different levels of spiritual development in evolution, levels which are not more or less polluted by industrial high-tech so-called developed countries ... just different. It does not understand the complexity with regard to spirituality, religion, culture and dignity, must be clearly understood and respected before mixing and interfering with their internal affairs and the way života.Bliskom East, Asia, Africa and South America have all suffered a loss of culture and acquired chaos because if it. Since the acquisition of spiritual awareness that develops on the evolutionary scale, there is no difference between rich and poor, educated or uneducated, an employee or a genius or what religion and politics are prescribed too.

Explanation: In fact carried out and the worship of material wealth, status, and cough and mutter incomprehensible democratic to do what you like the good life on the big buck product made euphoric high, has a distinct disadvantage. JC equated with the degree of difficulty in spiritual things with that thread Camel through the eye of a needle. The loss of tradition and culture in the so-called developed countries through the worship of material values​​, money, gross excess, products and acquisitions, and put on a pedestal above the family, culture and social harmony, he did find that the spiritual needle is smaller still. Because without the spiritual and social progress to compliment the material and economic progress, it's just a delusional deadlock progress no-where land for those who come after us.

The endemic corruption, the World Bank and other delusional human Global Issues:
It is not wise to give money to drive chaotic, corrupt government in the third, and for that matter in some so-called First World nations, which are also in a state of spiritual and social collapse through widespread corruption and criminal activity. There are too clever opportunistic sociopath in high places doing their own things, and not a thing in the chaotic nation. So that money is not wisely spent. Assigned to the collective good within the nation.

Example: limiting the life of the maintenance of large rivers that are destroying the natural ecology and land development for self-gratification, ego, and big Buck Award of the few. Potential big trouble looms in the Middle East down the path of time from this folly. I'm All Right Jack, not the way to go with the natural resources ... In fact with any connection with nature. Note greed runs a new resource hungry industrialized China. The event "wrong thing" in corruption and conflict ridden Third World nations to provide funds to those at the expense of creating a world of unity and harmony, and true progress in the UN

Example: Free Swiss and other offshore bank accounts for the bent politicians and government officials in corruption drive of the people receiving the World Bank and IMF money, supposedly to be used to save their peoples economy out of recession and poverty. Boot Camp wake up call to this nation to destroy the object of systematic and endemic corruption: Understand that the ordinary people who need help, not those who are currently the Management for their hip pockets, and self-interest. This great work has inspired the entrepreneurial corruption has no place in the nation in this century. Those who manage and administer must operate through self-referral laws of nature with his mind, if this nation and its people are looking to the future.

Clarification: In the developed structure of spiritual consciousness and reality, it is natural that the function for the good of the whole, not just free-self-serving given misguided part. Then the government, intuitive to serve the people, not themselves, without hypocrisy and pretense, no political corruption, manipulation, exploitation and entrepreneurial millionaires and other power obsessed opportunists posing as politicians, government officials and national leaders.

So, what poor nations should not under any circumstances, the next Big Business and government supplied items ... guns, bullets, second hand container, second hand helicopters, second-hand naval vessels, second-hand fighter jets, second-hand guided missiles, mines, artillery shells, polluting chemicals, T. Rex bombs or their equivalent, ie dormant nuclear reactors and their toxic waste. According to Alf's tea leaves, it is time to solve the problem of pollution from the Day of Judgement, and will sort everything in the 21 century.