What Is an Exceptional Dental Office?

When it comes to patient safety is not all dental offices to keep the same standard, in fact I find most dental offices come into contact with the first meeting government standards, which happens to be very minimum. But when I introduce the ideology of "Patient According to the" methodology and to achieve "Excellence in patient safety and infection control" most offices lead to a challenge.

According to the patient?

Establish and maintain patient safety standard that far exceeds government standards. Many who embrace mediocrity would think that it is unnecessary and "overkill". For the other patient and staff safety is paramount, not an option.

What is excellence in patient safety and infection control?

In accordance with the commitment to patient - standard office must provide each patient the highest quality care at the highest level of security, no matter what it takes and whatever the cost. This means that exceeds the requirements set by government agencies such as Consumer Affairs, Dental Office, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Ministry of Health and OSHA.Stav staff is moving to bar more and never, never, never settle for less!

commitment to excellence - This means that each staff member is encouraged burning desire to add value in everything they do and focus only on the results. They are willing to become experts in the prevention of cross contamination and accept that their success is their responsibility.

commitment to dentistry - Make no mistake, dentistry is a hardcore health and potential exposure to diseases such as hepatitis, tuberculosis, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and influenza H1N1 just to name a few, there is no place for amateurs. Today Dental professionals need to know more, to do more, that are committed to ongoing education and skill development. They are aware that they must invest in yourself to help others. They are not for money but for the people they serve.

Exceptional dental practice are the real - Keep this in mind - I am working with the staff of these offices shoulder to shoulder to bring them to a level far beyond government regulations and requirements. I have personally witnessed staff 'is hard work and strong commitment to patient compliant. When it comes to patient and employee safety and cut no slack in my mind, or you do it or not, that the offices I call "Extreme Dental Practice" are the rooms where I go and get dental care. Do not mistake these offices are real, and only 2% of dental offices come in contact with you make a list!