Dynamic Models of Organizations

Two recent approaches to structuring the organization reflects a more fluid organizational processes, dynamic elements are not typical of the rational design of organizations. These approaches are perhaps better viewed through a network strategy to reveal the structure, but research methods for obtaining static images organizational form.

The first approach might be called "loosely coupled" model, posed as an alternative to the rational model strukture.Racionalni model is built on three assumptions: that the organization has one or several goals, all in accordance with each other that the information on a variety of organizational contingencies can be obtained, and that a perfectly controlled environment. All of these conditions, however, rarely exists.

These organizations are coalitions of different interests, organizational design is basically unplanned responses to competition between coalitions, and organizational goals are numerous and contradictory. This view puts the organization in the role of managers or processors assimilators zahtjeva.Problem is that these managers are not in action mode. To perform an action requires more centralization, coordination, and order than it would be possible in this situation. Yet the attributes of a structure that allows the action as possible to limit the ability to visualize the management alternatives to prevent the receipt of conflicting information, and reduce the possibility of other steps appropriate to the more fluid environment.

frequent adjustment to this situation is to have line management to worry about day-to-day problems of running an organization and staff to engage in such support functions as a collection of information and predictions. All too often, however, this strategy fails, because the lines and personnel goals are not compatible with each other. Thus, information gathered never reaches the decision, or did, but not used in decision-making process.

Fortunately, several strategies are open to managers. One of them is to bring together different sources of knowledge, using a focused format to deliver heterogeneous information. Delphi and nominal group technique can be applied. Both techniques to systematically search a variety of experts on factors such as market characteristics, prognosis, potential actions, and environmental characteristics, with the aim of establishing common body of information upon which to base an action.
While this is an acceptable solution, it is better to determine the assessment, rewards and incentives that define the system of planning and environmental scanning as part of a manager's job. One can also create internally differentiated, loosely connected structure to cope with the various conflicting interests. When the demands are strongly interrelated, it May be possible to satisfy the conflicting claims about the establishment of the subunits to do so. In this way, organizations often establish a consumer affairs or environmental departments to satisfy different requirements.

is closely related to this view is a novel perspective of the organization as a self-designing sustava.Pojam underlying this view is that there are different ways to think about what is valuable and what is worthless in organizations.

As an illustrative problem of self-design of the Skylab 3, the first known example of a strike in the area. In planning the Skylab mission, Mission Control in Houston was not reduced slack or discretionary time for the astronauts to the fullest mjeri.Astronauti are presented with a computer print six feet long, with at least 42 separate sets of instructions for each day. They were programmed from the moment you awaken to the moment when they went to sleep, with absolutely no room for the unexpected.

Unfortunately, during the Skylab 3 astronauts arrived at the space station, they found that the mission did not return to the previous tools and other materials to their proper bins. So, before the astronauts could acquire the necessary experiments, they are looking for missing tools and materijala.Temelj the conflict were clear: Mission Control knew exactly how long it took to be an astronaut perform each task and discrete is especially planned for each activity . They even wanted the astronauts to do additional tasks not included in the original plan. On the other hand, the Mission Control Skylab astronauts seemed to regard them as machines without the need of its own. Completely unplanned is the fact that the astronauts were people with human needs and limitations. So, when the disease overtook astronauts early flight, they did not have the ability to meet the crisis. Finally, mission control is not entirely to be sensitive to the breakdown of the relationship between ground control and Skylab population. In frustration, the astronauts refused to make further experiments until the mission control has withdrawn from a demanding schedule. Skylab 3 has become a kind of self-designing system, when the astronauts were given up some powers to decide what will be done and in what order.

The underlying assumption of self-design is that organizational participants are also teachers and učenici.Osnovni problem is to design an ongoing process with six major elements:

1 Provides for the regulation and re-arranging the elements to change the consequences of those currently going
2nd Provides continuous evaluation during the design and supports the assessment
3rd It focuses on the process to determine how it reflects the need for people and creates the possibility of alternative arrangements of people and activities
4th He admits that every adaptation restrict future flexibility
5th Create designs without following specific criteria
6th It recognizes that design is inseparable from the implementation

the obstacles and benefits of self-design:
Self-design includes a heavy managerial activities, including management of anarchy, encouraging doubt, fostering inefficiency and growing superstition. If an organization wants to take control of their destiny and design changes needed to pull this off are important. However, these changes are not nemoguće.Vjerojatnost of their withdrawal, however, depends largely on the attitudes of managers dedicated to just design.

the business community expects examples of self-designing systems, but in all the sophisticated technology and the world they have meaning. As the environmental organization is going more and more change, self-design can provide the flexibility that organizations will require in order to survive.