How To Protect Yourself Against Credit Card Fraud

The high-tech world of today, credit card fraud is a growing problem.

By 2005, estimated that the online payment industry will win the $ 12.5 billion in revenue. It is up to more than 20% since 2004.

In the United Kindom alone, credit card fraud cost companies £ 504.8 million in 2004.

With so many people shopping and paying online is not surprising that credit card fraud is on every on-line consumers mind.

There is no way to guarantee credit or credit card fraud will never happen. However, there are several steps you can take to make it harder for someone to capture your card or card numbers and minimize the possibility.

Sign your cards as soon as they arrive.

carry your cards separately from the wallet in the zippered compartment.

Keep track of your account numbers, their expiration date, phone number and address of each company in a safe place.

Keep an eye on your card during the transaction, and to return as quickly as possible.

Void incorrect receipts.

Destroy copies.

Save receipts to compare with billing statements.

Open bills promptly and reconcile accounts monthly, just as you would your checking account.

Report any questionable charges promptly card issuers.

Notify card companies prior to the change of address.

It is important to remember not to give their credit card to anyone.

Never leave credit cards or receipts lying around.

Never give your account number over the phone.