Top Ten Consumer Fraud and Consumer Scams

Yesterday, the Federal Trade Commission published a statistical survey of fraud in America, and the figures are zapanjujuće.Istraživanje FTC report shows that 30.2 million adults, about 13.5 percent of the adult population were victims of fraud so far this year .

a major route for consumer fraud involved deceptive weight loss products, ensnaring 4.8 million potrošača.Potrošači report two other methods that involve fraudulent buyers club memberships and foreign lottery offers.

lottery scamsters lures victims to provide personal information about the bank account of them said to have won a foreign lottery. Of course, your bank account is needed to "transfer income." In the case of consumer fraud include the buyers clubs, victims were sold "membership", they purchased.

FTC Consumer Report shows consumer fraud several nijansi.Prvih ten consumer fraud to the FTC Consumer Reports *:

1 "Fraudulent weight-loss products (4.8 million victims)

2 Foreign Lottery Scams (3.2 million victims)

3 Unauthorized Billing - Buyers Clubs (3.2 million victims)

4 Prize Promotions (2.7 million victims)

5 Work at home programs (2.4 million victims)

6 Credit Card Insurance (2.1 million victims)

7 Unauthorized Billing - Internet Services (1.8 million victims)

8 Advance-Fee Loans (1.7 million victims)

9 Credit Repair Scams (1.2 million victims)

10 Business opportunities (0.8 million victims )"

Consumer Affairs in relation to fraud are usually handled by the FTC Bureau of protection potrošača.Ured mission is to protect consumers against unfair, misleading, fraudulent or deceptive practices. Department addresses consumer complaints, protect the rights of consumers, developing rules for consumer protection, conducting research, enforces consumer protection, suing people and companies who violate the law, and educates businesses and consumers about their rights and

FTC's consumer protection agencies, which not only provides a consumer fraud, but also shares and collects consumer fraud and identity theft information, which makes them available to law enforcement agencies across the country.

consumer report of fraud is intersected by age, race, education and demographics. Young consumers between 35 and 44, were thirty-two percent more likely to be captured by consumers between 65 and 74 years of age. African American victims were 22 percent, Hispanics 18 percent and whites 12 percent. Furthermore, highly educated consumers are less likely to be defrauded than to customers without a college degree *.

The main routes of false advertising as reported by consumers are *:

• Print advertising, direct mail, including catalogs, magazines and newspapers and advertising, and flyers and posters - 27%

• The Internet contains web sites, e-mail, and auction sites - 22%

• Radio and television - 21%

• Telemarketing - 9%

• Others - 21%

If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. You must constantly be on guard against offers or promotions that offer quick fixes, easy money, instant remedies for various illnesses, and income without effort. Remember, nothing in life worth doing will be difficult, requiring that challenge. I live by this belief, if you adopt it as well, you're less likely to cheat and be cheated by others in their lives.

* Source: Federal Trade Commission fraud Consumer Survey 2007