Knowing the External Components in Business

Your business will have important relationships with the community, suppliers, governments and creditors, and most importantly with customers. These relations also affect the input and output side of productivity. Here is a list of some external components that you need to know so they can guide you in your business venture.

their customers. Your business will grow or not, depending on how consumers are cast or withhold their votes dollar. That is why you should devote as much attention to marketing. Give full power in advertising. Let's say your business is, I think the strategy on how consumers can be attracted to your pocket folders. Favorable consumer response to your marketing strategy is, of course, the output or result that would like to have. Some questions to guide you in assessing the productivity of your marketing efforts are:

Did you maintain or improve the quality of their products and services? As the example above, if you think consumers are not fully satisfied with the quality of its output, then you should improve on it.