Yahoo to expand its network from Monday blog

as in countless print or TV-based organizations will continue the country's business news still looks extremely bright. Just sniffing around online to see the number of departures, and Internet giants lay bets on the table. Yahoo, one of the Behemoth Web, plans to add three new blogs to rise on Monday.

Yahoo network expansion is born of a 7-month-old venture is called the conclusion. For this blog covering breaking news and analysis, Yahoo recruited several experienced journalists.

new properties will be living under the brand conclusion, but each to his own name -. Ticket policy, in pursuit of national affairs and Cutline for the media industry coverage

The project is headed by Andrew Golis, a 27-year-old, who came from Talking Points Memo, on-line only News Network. There Golis helped steer the news of launching a rocket ship at the time when there is little confidence that is needed or wanted another source web news.

Now, here again, helping to launch another brand news. "On the one hand, it is a very crowded space," said Golis news industry. "On the other hand, I think we're actually pretty early for the transition to digital ."

A lot of noise on the Web, but Yahoo says that the unique attributes that will help it stand out. With a strong team that includes veterans of the Washington Post, political, and Gawker Media, the 15-year-old Sunnyvale, Calif., Internet company clothing its journalists with the tools to analyze search trends and other information from visitors to Yahoo.

While it is helpful, reporters are discouraged from leaning too heavily on these tools, Golis said.

"This means that we have to help us understand what will resonate," he said, but "it does not work as a mission editor ."

Yahoo operates one of the most visited news site, according to research firm comScore.Zaključak accounts for more than a third of Yahoo News audience, drawing 30 million visitors a month, according to Yahoo's own traffic reports.

Yahoo News (conclusion excluded) is centered around a syndicated articles from the Associated Press, Reuters and others. But only because Yahoo is ramping up efforts to produce more of its own content, do not expect to be writing a partisan approach, he said Golis and his boss.

"Because we rely mainly on aggregation," said Mark Walker, head of Yahoo News, "Yahoo has a strong reputation for providing a balanced view ."

"Pure aggregation, you'll only get you so far, even if you're really good at it," said Walker. He talked about using the original reporting as a way to "differentiate" from many sites that offer to the wire story.

"I think this is the largest and most focused effort that we had in terms of original content," said Walker.Strategija also includes video production - the key to rival AOL recently focusing .

yahoo can have a leg up on traditional news companies, "the invention of new enterprises, and their legacy business field," said Golis. Yahoo "has no legacy business to worry about," he said.

and assigned to Yahoo web search, an area where the corporate name does not carry a legacy, a partner with venture Microsoft.Joint Bing is a strategic move to level the playing field with Google, Raymie Stata, Yahoo chief technology officer, said in a fireplace chat conference this week. Yahoo Business Health came into question Thursday amidrumors staff cuts. Perhaps the fact that the editorial is an attractive growth area for Yahoo, Walker said he had no concerns about the future of its divisions -. However, there are no immediate plans to ramp up hiring, he said

team of nine Yahoo News reporters and editors who contribute to the conclusion of the staff of new blogs.

"I do not see us all employment of journalists as, say, New York Times or Washington Post," Walker said, "because it's not really where Yahoo News lives ."

In reality, the company that claims to be the largest host a full-time journalist is neither of these. AOL, in expanding its hyper-local news project called patches, says he plans to hire 500 journalists this year. It recently bought the technology blog TechCrunch.

AOL provides its bloggers with analytics and audience measurement tools like Yahoo. (AOL and Yahoo have been rumors that he will one day share a corporate love-seat, according to reports on the merger. Yahoo chief Carol Bartz has refused to comment during the company's last earnings call .)

"Our strategy is to turn depend on the content," said David Eun, president of AOL Media. "Across the company, we are betting on the content ."

make a clear statement, said Sri Sreenivasan, a professor at the Columbia Graduate School of Journalism, AOL and Yahoo. Journalism figures. Web properties is not new to attract the attention of big investors. Interest drivers in the Huffington Post and TechCrunch (before acquisition) is very high this year SecondMarket, a website that allows the sale of private capital, according to the quarterly business. No wonder that all this investment going on in this area, and all that growth, Sreenivasan said. Despite what we heard in the mainstream media, the media is now most produced and consumed more than ever