The Human Light Bulb

Destroyed by the death of his mother, the boy from India climbs on top of electrical transformers and decides to end his life. Much to his surprise, Mohan survive the ordeal. In fact, Mohan did not feel a shock at all.

As strange as it is May seem, when put to the test on the new series from the History Channel called Stan Lee Superhumans, Raj Mohan Nair not only demonstrated his amazing abilities, but also showed when he hooked the multimeter / om tester that is 10 times more resistance to electricity than an ordinary man. His accomplishments include everything from lighting an incandescent bulb to acting as a channel for the hot plate and frying eggs.

No, not Uncle fester from the Addams family. It is the light bulb was the mainstay of potentially lethal shock was nothing to play around with. This man defies our whole understanding of human limitations include electricity. If confirmed, there May be others with this rare gift. However, a note of caution needs to remember is that the science was wrong. Ridicule and fear of being discredited by their peers is enough to stop many of the researchers from that in this case. Before Mohan plugs into the last time, it would be nice to know what is the scientific explanation - even if it turns out that the elaborate trick. Could it be I was somehow under the ground a few clothes he wore, or have something planted in it?

Despite the fact that such high-risk maneuvers should be easy to kill the average person, somehow Mohan challenges our understanding of physics and anatomy. Although the possibility of fraud must be excluded before all is convincing, while science can explain the seemingly impossible, Mohan stands as the enigma of human abilities.