A trap,the replica Gucci Handbags held a promotion in the five star hotel

Ms. Chen is one of the victims, it is an interest to be blunt blunt spend 9000 varied from 3 picked up the wrap so. With continued concern for the ten well-known prime number, together consumer.The suffer from a journalist to understand the industry and business long south branch today, this question is that the opposite end successfully resolved, passed in many ways modest, in the end it was sold to rent a meeting of the square cabaret show than to undertake certain repairs.

May last year, an exhibition called "DFS extravagant cruise brand to return to the show," drew on not a few flavors that do not have a tin of consumer and citizen, Ms. Chen was one of them.After she get the news, interest is open obtuse to pick up the foil 3 and spend a total of $ 9,360, but compared to rarely sold at a discount from the special price of cabinet sales, the price is still opposed to the cheap.Although completely satisfied Tao arrived gewgaw, Ms. Chen is always a bit you do not believe, later come back to the Gucci handbags cabinet in particular, a contrast buy yourself a wallet, detection with the right papers differ very greatly, and even between those two styles are basically could not check the number of goods on the morning of 17th net.On May it come to a cabaret star class again, ask the seller to ask for speech, it just reveals more of her situation similar to several other customers, selling the party can have people go to the building empty.Ms. Chen is waiting for someone later that there is no industry and business in the City box, etc. section hurl tell you this question.

Ms. Chen and similar sale certificate on the consumer side is not the bill, but receipt.Seal red official seal "nuo Rong Mao in Shanghai Company Limited liability company" in a context that receipt.When Pu Tuo in industry and business branch office of the Shanghai City Register, but stired win sales for third-party contact Ms. Chen to provide a way to discover, the phone number of the other party but can not connect.The journalist stumbled upon when a journalist brought the net to search the company data, which companies in Hangzhou Zhejiang held in March last year, the exhibition will sell, just be picked up by the person report to include the sale of counterfeit Gucci bags wallet.But by way of local media reports, local industry and business include the following section confirms the Inquisition, the exhibition selling Gucci wallet that will enhance sale of counterfeits.

"They called all the forged papers." Journalist understood from industry and business south of the long branch yesterday was in many ways is making great efforts, this affair was the end and still get as opposed to carefully riješiti.industrija and business part means that this exhibition sales hold a meeting very insidious, usually hold only over the weekend and only together while the time and then instantly book style walk person.For example of these things look like in the control of cabaret to take a picture, after the scandal leaks out, exhibition sales meeting held immediately and collectively run, pushed to seven people while Tienjin summer benefit.And site still has more than ten so-famous brands to complete the package at that time, they are also not attended to take.According the Inquisition, the company uses similar skills, if not a few places across the country, as a played a similar cheap trick.

exhibition sales will sponsor the square run, ten miserable as heavy losses to hurl in anger tells how to make the consumer? Are beginning to benefit all the cabaret star class held an exhibition on the sale and still will not want to be counterfeit article.Cabaret square is the explanation, they will be responsible for leasing space, not bound to sell to consult an article on the true or false defender pass the responsibility exhibition.Pass city of industry and business office in order to remove the joint efforts of protecting the village and on the south branch of the company, the cabaret and the income from fees to have a good reputation, in the end to keep the compensation for the sacrifice of the loss consumers.Hold "pheasant" exhibition at the cabaret star of the class will violate the rights of the consumer affairs times see the various reports of how, on the other hand recall that a consumer can not believe so easily the star class cabaret shows to sell the meeting, on the other side of cabaret star class derived from the support itself paramount consideration, also in response to the adequacy of the site of leasing the house to carry on the alert to go