Agriculture in Canada

See also: History of Agriculture and the classification of the indigenous peoples of America
In the 17th century, Samuel de Champlain and Gabriel Sagard recorded that the Iroquois and Huron cultivated land for corn or "maize". Maize (Zea mays), potato (Solanum tuberosum), beans (Phaseolus), squash (Cucurbita) and sunflower (Helianthus Annus) have grown over the agricultural land in North America in the 16th century. As it was already 2300 years BC, evidence of squash was introduced to the northeastern forest region. Archaeological finds from 500 AD shows corn growing in southern Ontario.

Eastern Canada was inhabited before the West. Immigration and trading posts came later Rupert area and Northwest Territories.Rani settlers combined European agriculture and the domestication of indigenous knowledge practices with the land and animals of the area.
Already 1605, the French Acadians built dykes in the Maritimes for wheat, flax, vegetables, fodder and the swamps farming. Milk production is a major contribution to New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island, along with livestock and mixed farming pothvate.Mali percentage of land put into use in agriculture, and fruit along Nova Scotia's coastal northwest područjima.Američka Revolution, 1775-1783 and the attendant decline in food resulted in 3100 acres cleared in Newfoundland. In the early 19th century, Irish immigrants began to arrive, which is cultivated land Newfoundland.Vrlo small percentage of land suitable for Newfoundland and Labrador for horticultural or crop production, because there are a lot of forest and tundra geografije.Pokrajina has some dairy production and farming concerns. After World War II, farm training is available on farm demonstration of the Government. Bonuses are paid for such things as the purchase of pure-bred sires, cleaning the land and agriculture exhibition assistance on behalf nekoliko.Industrija processing fish for food is the largest agricultural contribution to Newfoundland. Newfoundland fishery, the supply of cod for the most part, followed closely by herring, cod, lobster, flowers, fish, seals, and kitovi.Ribarske industry depends very difficult to export and conditions.

Agriculture in the West began with Peter the pond in the garden plots on Lake Athabasca in 1778. Although large-scale agriculture for many years off, Hudson's Bay Company traders, Gold Rush miners, and missionaries cultivated crops, gardens and raised stoke.Northwest Territories, Yukon, Nunavut and covered the Canadian Shield and cliffs, the Arctic forest soils, and stone phases make up the largest part of geography. This area is a relatively small population, and not commercially used for the most part. Whaling, the sauce, and trapping food contributions to agricultural production of food here.

In New France, hops, hemp, and cattle were introduced in 1663.Feudalni breeding system was adopted in Quebec. Quebec's agricultural sector relies on its production of fruits and vegetables. In 1890, the competition has started to encourage farmers to improve their farms in order to achieve the Order of Agricultural Merit. County farm improvement competition began around 1930 includes more than 5,000 farms and their evolution over five years. They have some interests in livestock and mixed farming and diary, as well. Saint Hyacinthe do artificial insemination stations for the 1951 Breeders Club.

Ploughing through the horse and hand plow.

The British carried Maize (grain) Law, 1794-1846, British protected agricultural sector from the import of British North pšenice.Reciprocitet Treaty, 6 June 1854, developed a trade agreement between Canada and the United States, which affected trade of wheat grown in Ontario. Northern Ontario is mainly tundra and forest areas, while southern Ontario has a land suitable for livestock and general farming, as well as the geography is suitable for grazing and husband industries. Fruit farming and tobacco farms are also found in southern Ontario. Ontario is the largest manufacturer of mixed grains, soybeans and shelled corn in the country.

Lord Selkirk, founder of the Red River Colony, the first crop of wheat harvested in the western prairies in 1814. Red Fife wheat was introduced in 1868. The swine were brought to the Red River Colony, but 1819.Granica country's southwestern Alberta and southeastern Saskatchewan were opened to ranching in the 19 century. Manitoba has a combination of mixed grain, livestock and mixed farming industry in the southern area. Cattle ranching around Lake Manitoba is also very successful. Northern Manitoba has an extensive lake and forest geographical područjima.Zakon the Dominion Country 1872 provides agricultural pioneers the opportunity to "prove" the fourth piece of land (160 ha acres/65]) in western Canada for $ 10.00 filing fee and three years to improve in combination with a residence on the mainland. Saskatchewan still has a cattle ranching near its southwest corner, growing crops and crops such as wheat, oats, flax, alfalfa, canola and (especially canola) dominate the park area. Mixed cultivation of cereals, dairy farms, mixed livestock and pastures dot the central plains of the prairie provinces....
Open park area extends over three prairie provinces: Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Canada's production of wheat, oats, flaxseed and barley, mainly coming from this area. Meat processing is the biggest industry here, then milk production, breweries and a branch of the farm industry.

British Columbia is covered by mountains, its eastern border of the Rocky Mountains. Livestock, cattle ranches, fruit growing and husband dot the province. Agriculture and fisheries are small contribution to the industry, more blurring the construction and forestry.
Agricultural production in British Columbia get the gold rush of industry, mining and logging industries. Agricultural producers rely on these local markets, the economic boom and bust every company respektivno.British-Columbia Fruit Growers Association was founded in 1889 to encourage the export market this robe.Kanada Agriculture Museum preserves the history of

Canadian agriculture.
Canada Agriculture Museum
Agricultural Museums
Canada Agriculture Museum
Manitoba Agriculture Museum
Ross Farm Museum
The central experimental farm
Agriculture in Canada
Ontario Agricultural Museum
The main agricultural products
See also: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Agriculture in Canada is comprised of five major agricultural sector of commodity production, resulting in farm cash receipts from domestic and foreign markets.
The five largest agricultural sector.
percent of Proceeds
primary market
grains and oilseeds
(wheat, durum, oats, barley, rye, flaxseed, canola, soybean, rice, corn)
red meat - livestock
(cattle, pigs, veal and lamb)
domestic and export
dairy products
Poultry and eggs
Various factors affect the socio-economic characteristics of Canadian agriculture.
Alberta modern cement grain elevator
Agricultural analytical factors
The amount and type of farms
Biogeography: crop and land use areas, land management practices
The amount of livestock and poultry
Mechanization of Agriculture: Farm machinery and equipment
farm capital
Farm operating expenses and receipts
Farm-related injuries
See also: Canadian Grain Commission and Canadian Wheat Board
Wheat head close up view
In 2008, Saskatchewan produces more than half the wheat in the Dominion of Canada, the threshing floor, more than over 9000 bushels (577,000 tonnes) of wheat. North America has led other continents as a major international producer of wheat in total world production. Canola, alfalfa, barley, canola, flax, rye, oats and other cereal crops grown popular.
Wheat is a crop feature in Canada. To achieve the homesteaders abundant harvest in the foreshortened vegetation types of wheat have been developed at the beginning of the twentieth century. Red Fife was the first strain, it is wheat that could be planted in the fall and sprout in early spring. Red Fife ripe for almost two weeks before the wheat was more severely than other spring wheats. Dr. C. Saunders, experimented on with Red Fife, developed by the Marquis wheat, which is resistant to rust and come to maturity within 100 days. Some other types of durum wheat is grown, written, and winter wheat. In recent years, Canadian farmers have started growing rice due to increase in Asian population in Canada.
Prairie Farm Recreation Administration was established in 2008 to provide Federal financial assistance in relation to the global economic krize.Prairie Farm Recreation Administration provides farmers with land and water resources, such as irrigation, soil conservation and drifting small farm water razvoju.Program Farm Loans was established in the Canadian farm loan Act to provide bonds and stocks farm improvement loans.
vegetable Displays
Horticulture, which includes garden crops and fruit has become easier to grow with the development of plant hardiness zones. Apples, pears, plums and prunes, peaches, apricots, cherries, strawberries, raspberries, loganberries and orchards are numerous and reach commercial size in the Annapolis Valley of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec, Niagara Peninsula and Norfolk County Ontario and Okanagan Valley of British Columbia.
Hazelnuts are harvested in eastern Canada and British Columbia. Maple syrup and maple sugar, maple butter and maple taffy Quebec are produced along the river St. Lawrence.Glavno market for Canadian maple syrup and sugar to the United States Potato abundant harvest of the Maritime provinces. Tobacco is an agricultural commodity in Ontario tobacco belt, particularly Norfolk County, along Lake Erie and Quebec. Sugar beet and sugar beets are harvested in Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba and Alberta.
Viticulture refers to the cultivation of grapes. Grapes require mild winters, which can be found in some places, sea, southern British Columbia, and of the Niagara Peninsula.
prize Bull
115,000 cattle roamed the southern prairies to 1900. Livestock may include raising cattle, also commonly known as cattle. Recently, the domestication of bison and elk has launched a new food industry. Sheep are raised for wool and meat. Beef and pig barns are part of the cattle culture. Scientists are making steps forward in research has led to intensive swine svinjogojstva.Pripitomljavanje various domestic animals meant that the relevant industries such as feedlots, animal husbandry and meat processing are also studied and developed.
Dairy, poultry and eggs
See also: National Council of Agricultural Products
Chickens in the hierarchy of food
Birds, poultry, eggs, chickens, geese, ducks and turkeys are part of the supply managed system, thus ensuring production matches demand.
Dairy products are also called dairy. Butter production in Canada was on average 330 million pounds (150,000 tons) in 1940, and cheese between £ 95 million and 208 million pounds (43,000 t to 94,000 t) in the same vremenu.Velika Britain received 50 million pounds (23,000 t) in 1949.
Canadian Dairy Commission Act was passed in 1966 by the Canadian federal government
provide efficient producers of milk and cream with the possibility of obtaining a fair return for their labor and investment and to provide consumers with a continuous and adequate supply of dairy products of high quality.
Canadian Dairy Commission
. In the 1970s supply management system in force to regulate the transport of milk, poultry and eggs to meet potražnja.Kolektivni marketing ensures that imports restricted to areas where the product can be shipped in zemlji.Savezna government imposed pricing policy for the protection of manufacturers life.

In recent years farmers to produce alternative crops that are economically viable, and among these are organic farm crops. Hemp and wool from the sheep are the main areas of production of fiber Canada. Wool is an average of £ 16,022,000 (7267 t) in the 1930s and £ 9.835 million] (4461 t) in 1949. Flax fiber from flax is exported to the UK. Crop farmers can supplement their income with beeswax and honey and beekeeping to learn who supervises the branch apiary. Enterprising property owners have had success growing, as well as packaging and marketing of sunflower seeds. Crops are not only for human consumption, but also for animal consumption, which opens a new market, such as canary seed. Cuniculture, or rabbit breeding a new store alternative to red meat burger. Cannabis is important crops in some areas, which account for 5% of British Columbia GDP. According to BC Business Magazine, the crop was worth $ 7.5 billion in the province annually, and provides employment to 250,000 people. Québec produces a greater yield.
The Canadian government agricultural departments
Department of Agriculture established in British North America Act (BNA) from 1867 the situation in each province may have jurisdiction over agricultural concerns, and the Dominion Government can make law in relation to agriculture. Newfoundland agricultural activities to address the Department of Agriculture, Department of Natural Resources of the Confederacy.
B.N.A. The law states that the federal government has sole authority in the coastal and inland fisheries issues. Provinces of the RTS non-marine waters and fishing practices, there is only.
The Canadian government agricultural departments
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Responsible for the management policy of agricultural production, farming income, research and development, inspection and regulation of animals and plants. Headed by the Minister of Agriculture (Canada).
Canadian Dairy Commission
Responsible for providing dairy producers fair return for labor and investment and to provide consumers with high quality dairy products.
Canadian food inspection agency
CFIA combines the delivery of all federal food, animal and plant health inspection programs.
Canadian grain commission
Responsible for the grain industry. Headed by the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food
Canadian Wheat Board
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Fisheries and Oceans Canada...
Fisheries and Oceans Canada...
Fisheries and Oceans Canada...
Agricultural Economy
See also: Crow Rate and western economic diversification Croatia
Canadian farms, ranches and fisheries produce a wide range of crops, livestock, food, feed, fiber, fuel and other goods that systematically raise plants and animals that depend on the geography of the province. In 2001 the farms numbered only 246,923 of the size of 676 acres (2.74 km) as the production of food and fiber for human or livestock food has evolved into an intense and industrial practices. Since 2002, represents the largest wheat crop the area to 12.6%. Canadian farmers received a record $ 36.3 billion in 2001 from livestock, crop sales and program payments. In 2001, the accrued net income of farm operators from farm production amounted to 1,633 million dollars, which amounts to 0.147% of Canada's gross domestic product at market prices that is 1,108,200 million dollars. Fishing has also played an important role, while forestry plays a secondary role. Evolution of Canada has left a life of technology, and now sees only 3% of Canada's population is employed as a mechanized industrial farmers who are able to feed the rest of the nation's population of 30,689.0 thousand (2001), as well as exports to overseas markets .. (Canada estimated population 32,777,300 1 January 2007.)
Marketing and economic developments in Canada of various agricultural commodities is a challenge. Domestic trade includes the provision of goods in Canada, provincially and inter-provincial. Support agencies and services such as storage, railroads, warehouses, shops, banking institutions, all of the effect of domestic trade. Trade wheat "bread basket of the world 'or the Canadian prairies following the Canadian Wheat Board. Canada's 1882-1897 depression brought low of 64 cents per container (24 $ / t) of the 1893rd This period saw the Laurier administration of thousands of rural households has been canceled. Wheat prices surged during the Second World War in 1928, Canada exported high quantity of wheat, flour, and roba.Depresija its toll on Canada as exports sank by about 40% of its 1928 value. European markets have halted the import of Canadian wheat since they started breeding their own varieties, and then World War II events to put a block on trading in European markets. Canada has become more of the industrial undertaking during the industrial revolution, and less agricultural nation. After the Second World War Great Britain had entered into a contract for a large amount of agricultural products such as bacon, cheese, wheat, oats and barley. After the United Kingdom, the United States is Canada's largest trading partner outside. Between 1943 and 1953, the average exports of Canadian wheat was 347.2 million bushels (9.449 million t). For three years the International Wheat Agreement of 1955, the export of wheat or flour to 28 of 44 importing countries, including Germany, Japan, Belgium, United Britain and the Netherlands.
Agribusiness activities of food and fiber production and processing that are not part of the farm operation. This will involve the production of agricultural equipment and fertilizers to help agricultural production. Agribusiness also includes companies that buy raw commodities from farms to further obradu.Pakiranje meat industry, a mill and canning industry would be involved in the agricultural sector, processing of agricultural products.
industry categories
According to the Agriculture and Food Canada, and the classification of the Canadian agriculture industry.
Canadian Agriculture Industries
brewery industry
It consists of two large national beer production company: Labatt Breweries of Canada and Molson Breweries Canada
buckwheat industry
Buckwheat flour is used in pancake mixes and pasta. Buckwheat is exported mainly to Japan. Most of the specialty crops grown in Manitoba
Canary seed industry
In 2005, Canada produced 77% of the world canary seed production. Saskatchewan soils are suitable for bird seed.
Confectionery and chewing gum industries
Sugar and cocoa were imported for this industry which is foreign-owned companies operating in Canada. A variety of candies in the amount of $ 1.48 billion were shipped in 1997.
The Canadian agri-food economy dairy industry is the third largest.
Dairy genetics industry
Canadian Record of performance R.O.P. The program reveals the dairy cows at high milk production capacity. Cattle quality monitors Canadian Dairy Herd Improvement milk production agency. (Canadian DHI).
distilling industry
Canadian whiskey from rye and corn is the main aspect of this industriji.Destilerija Canadian industry also includes the manufacture of whiskey, rum, vodka, gin, liqueurs, coolers and the basic spirit of ethyl alcohol.
egg industry
Developed in an automated industrial production of eggs for consumption, enzymes, battery eggs, processed foods, and supporting popcorn manufacturer, egg laying chicken (layers) of the manufacturer and grade.
Fish and Seafood Industry
This industry produces CDN $ 5000000000 years. The world's fourth largest exporter of fish is Canada, the Atlantic Fisheries, Pacific Fisheries and aquaculture sector.
Forage industry
This industry consists of food for livestock, cattle, sheep and horses. Hay is the main forage crops, supplemented with alfalfa, wheat, peas and corn. Besides domestic market, exports from Canada to reach the Pacific Rim countries.
fruit industry
Tree grower of crops consisting of apples, pears, peaches, plums, apricots, nectarines, and cherries, followed by vines područja.Industrija supports fresh, canned, frozen and preserved fruits and food production. Tree grower of crops consisting of apples, pears, peaches, plums, apricots, nectarines, and cherries, followed by vines područja.Industrija supports fresh, canned, frozen and preserved fruits and food production.
Grains and oilseeds industry
Wheat, barley and oats are Canadian grain exports. Sunflower, soy and flaxseed are the main export crops.
Grain-based products industry
Grain and oilseed production supports milling, malt production, starch, vegetable fats and oils for the production and manufacture of breakfast cereals
hemp industry
Spin off industrial hemp production include aromatherapy, commercial oil paints, cosmetics, edible oil, garments and accessories, hemp flour and meal, snack foods, shampoo and conditioners, and moisturizers.
honey industry
Beeswax products, cosmetics, ointments, candles and household voskove.Dodatak food is made from bee pollen. Propolis and Royal Jelly is used in cosmetics, creams, lotions, tonics and lip balms. Honey is a sweetener for home use or commercial food production.
Industrial agriculture (animals)
Factory farming, intensive pig farming, integrated multi-trophic aquaculture and shrimp farming are different forms of industrial agriculture, which aims at mass production
industrial agriculture
It includes innovations in farm machinery and farming methods, genetic technology, techniques for achieving economies of scale in production, creating new markets for consumption, use of patent protection to genetic information, and world trade
Maple syrup industry
Maple syrup can be used to make maple sugar, maple butter, maple taffy as a sweetener.
mustard seed industry
Yellow mustard is a major exporter, followed by brown and oriental mustards. 2007 saw a rise in prices of mustard.
organic industry
Operational challenges of certification and standards for growing organic agriculture industry. Organic agriculture with the biodynamics without synthetic chemicals, giving consumers a holistic plant and animal food choices.
potato industry
Potato Innovation Network (PIN), 2020 was launched in 2006 to support the development of new markets and new uses for the potato market diversification.
poultry Industry
Avian influenza ("bird flu") is the newest problem in the poultry industry, however, disease measures are in place if this strain will arrive in Canada.
Processed fruit and vegetable industry
Fruit and vegetables contain consumer products canned, cider, frozen, jams, jellies and marmalades, pickles, sauces, soups, vegetable and fruit juices and vinegar.
Pulse industry
Beans, chickpeas, faba beans, and lentils are the pulse of the industry. Pea soup, baked beans and large manufacturing processes of global exporter of pulses rasta.Najveći pulse is Canada.
Red meat industry
This is Canada the fourth major manufacturing industries. Cattle, calves, pigs, sheep, lamb, venison, buffalo have been domesticated for red meat exports and domestic consumption.
The seed industry
Seed growers, field inspectors, registered seed establishments, seed trial plots and seed merchants are the pillars of seed production.
Snack Food Industry
Grains, corn, nuts, oils, potatoes, and seeds are the main ingredients of snacks such as crisps, mixed nuts, peanut butter, pork rinds, seeds and snacks.
Sunflower seed industry
About 80 percent of sunflowers grown in Canada is sold as roasted sunflower seeds, or snack without the shell for baking. The main consumer of the home. Birdfeed and vegetable oil sunflower seeds are smaller markets that are being developed.
vegetable industry
Edible plant part is a vegetable. Vegetables can be marketed fresh or as part of processed fruit and vegetable industry supports industriji.Stakleničkih vegetable farmer field vegetables.
wine industry
Canadian wineries producing wines with unique aromas, flavors of aging and lead international nagrada.Grožđa hybrid from domestic Canadian species grown in the production of wine grapes in the grapes results in a shorter, cooler growing season, a quality not found elsewhere.
agricultural Sciences
Agricultural Sciences began developing new styles and breeding strains of wheat and crops, so that agriculture can become a successful venture. Agricultural methods are developed in places such as Indian Head experimental farm, Rosthern Experimental Station, and Bell Farma.Bolje Farming Train toured rural areas of education pioneer poljoprivrednika.1901 list showed 511,100 farms and the number of farms peaked in 1941, to a record 732.8 thousand farms. . the industrial revolution modernized mechanized farming industry as a vehicle to replace the acres of cattle or horse drawn carts. Farms became much larger, mechanized and developed by industrial agriculture.
See also: List of countries by GDP sector composition
Farming activities are very intensive work before the industrial revolution and the emergence of tractors, combine harvesters, feeders, etc. In the late 1800s to mid 1900s, a large percentage of the Canadian workforce was engaged in high labor, small farming practices. After mechanization, scientific advancement, improving the marketing practices of the farm becomes more efficient, larger and less intense rada.Rada population was freed and went into industry, government, transportation, trade and finance. Agriculture, livestock breeding and horticulture staff quarter of the Canadian population census of 1951, as well as products for export and production of Canadian concerns.
farm equipment
Oliver plow was in use by 1896 that would cut through the prairie grass. Binders that could reduce and bind the grain harvest season and grain elevators for storage have been introduced in the late 1800's as well. Plows, tractors, spreaders, combines to name a few are some mechanized implements for grain crops or horticultural farmers who labor saving devices. Many Canadian museums such as the Reynolds-Alberta Museum will showcase the development and diversification of agricultural machinery.
Harvesting of wheat over the combined
Depression and drought of the Dirty thirties was devastating. This drought has resulted in mass exodus of people from the prairies, as well as new agricultural practices such as soil conservation and crop rotation.
Soil conservation practices such as crop rotation, cover crops and windbreaks to name a few massively developed and put forward in recovering from the drought experience dirty thirties. Literally layers of soil would be blowing away during that time. Bow River Irrigation Project, Deer River irrigation project and a project of St. Albert, were several large projects undertaken by the Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Act (PFRA), resulting in reservoirs and distribution sustava.Trenutni project was Liming (soil) Liming the soil at the Land Resources Research Institute. Wheat diseases such as wheat shot and smelly pornography can be successfully treated with fungicide. Diseases of plants and animals can break farmers. Tuberculosis in animals is an early threat, and the cattle be tested and accredited in the areas 1956.Novije diseases such as chronic wasting disease or transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSE) affecting elk and the deer. Elk and deer raising is a pioneer in the field of domestication, have hit with this disease. Mad Cow Disease in cattle and scrapie of sheep following the Canadian Food Inspection Agencije.Peradi sector plagued by pullorum disease, and controlling the economy through a flock of birds, the disease was brought under control.
Plants whose characteristics can be modified to survive the disease or insects have made inroads into the Canadian agricultural practices. Cereal rusts, which can destroy most of the areas seeded to wheat in 1938 was controlled by breeding strains that are resistant to rust. This species has been successful until about 1950, when he again broke new selection of rust, and again a new type of wheat called Selkirk was developed that is rust resistant. Biotechnology is the center of new research and regulations that affect agriculture in this century.
Developmental and educational institutions
To increase the economic viability of agriculture as a lifestyle few improvements have been made from various educational institutions of the country. Mix and innovations are made in various fields of agricultural sciences, agriculture, agricultural soil science, sustainable agriculture, agricultural productivity, agriculture, biodiversity, biotechnology, irrigation and pig studies, for example.
Canadian development and educational institutions
research Programme
Animal Biotechnology Embryo Laboratory
Æble study of artificial insemination, embryo biotechnology to improve genetic breeding requirements.
The central experimental farm
Scientific research to improve farming methods and crops. Features Canada Agriculture Museum, the Dominion Arboretum, and ornamental gardens.
Cool Climate Oenology and Viticulture Institute
CCOVI provides research to allow for growing grapes and producing wine in cooler climates.
Devon Botanical Gardens
The emphasis on alpine and cold-hardy plants, along with wetland ecology and biology of microfungi, horticulture and phenology research.
Fisheries Centre
The study of aquatic ecosystems, and cooperation with the maritime community, governmental and nongovernmental organizations
List of botanical gardens in Canada
Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Centre
Nafcom is part of the Canadian research facility of science, oceans and the Environment (SOE), a branch of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) provides marine and aquatic research and conservation.
Nova Scotia Agricultural University
Fields and livestock studies.
Ontario Horticultural Association
Regional Horticultural Association promote education on horticulture.
University of Saskatchewan Agriculture & Bioresources College
Agricultural and Bioresource Engineering, economics, agronomy, animal science, environmental science, food microbiology and applied sciences, large animal clinical science, plant science and soil science
Vaccines and Infectious Disease Organization
Vido facility develops DNA enhanced immunization vaccines for humans and animals.
see also
Canadian Agricultural Safety Association
Pesticides in Canada
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^ "Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Centre (Nafcom)," Eastern Institute of Research,, taken 1/14/2008
Pleva, for example, and Palace, Spencer, ed (1977). Canadian Oxford School Atlas.Bryant Press Limited. ISBN 0-19-540240-5.
Hardy, W.G., eds (1959). From sea to sea. Doubleday & Company, Inc..
Hutchison, Bruce, eds (1945). Unknown country. Longmans, Green & Co., Toronto.
Daly, Ronald C., eds (1982). Macmillan School Atlas. Gage Educational Publishing Company Division of Canada Publishing Corporation. ISBN 0-7715-8268-4.
Cloutier, Edmond, ed (1951). Canada Year Book 1951 official statistical yearbook of resources, history, institutions, and social and economic conditions in Canada. King of the printer controller and garments. ISBN 0-7715-8268-4.
Cloutier, Edmond, ed (1956). Canada 1956 Official Guide to current conditions and recent progress. Queen's Printer and Controller Stationery, Ottawa ..
Kerr, DGG, eds (1959). Historical Atlas of Canada. Thomas Nelson and Sons (Canada) Ltd..
Dorland, Arthur G., ed (1949). Our Kanadi.Copp Clark Publishing Co. Limited.
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Antigua and Barbuda Bahamas Barbados Belize Canada Costa Rica Cuba Dominica Dominican Republic El Salvador Grenada Guatemala Haiti Honduras Jamaica Mexico Nicaragua Panama1 Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Trinidad and Tobago1 United States
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Categories: Agriculture in CanadaHidden categories: All articles with dead external links | Articles with dead external links from May 2009