Early Warning Signs of Debt Problem

How serious are your debt problems? Spectrum of possibilities ranges from negligible to severe stupnjeva.Činjenica that you bought this book indicates that debt is something to be worried. As you read this chapter and overview of the most common signs of debt problems, we believe that the more characters that apply to you, the more serious your situation.

Where have all the dollars Gone?
the first sign that debt becomes more of a problem in your life than it would be incredibly reduced bank balance. Although you have made enough to pay your regular bills, more and more of their monthly income goes towards servicing your debt rises. It gets to the point where money is tight, and you feel like you are choking because it was never enough money. Unfortunately, this situation creates a negative domino effect on the rest of your financial life.

but I still have places on the My
The first domino fall in the credit card. Your lack of resources makes you start to get cash advances to pay the state minimum or basic living expenses. You know that your gold card and still has about $ 5000 left on it, so you can start to use for life. Or, even worse, you begin to accept all those credit card offers that come in the mail, and before you know it, you have 10 open credit cards.

you take $ 100 now and then $ 500. "No big deal," you think. After all, you are used to pay your card, or at least enough to pay the debt has not, until now, seemed burdensome. You start to rationalize it. You say that you're just a temporary cash crunch, that is why credit cards were invented. Feel better, you can take another $ 500.

Money Talks
When you use your credit card to withdraw cash, extra fees kick in. Cash advances carry upfront fees to 4 percent of the amount advanced. There is increasing interest charge for cash advances than regular card charges, and many issuers also require you to pay down the balance of the purchase before you pay down higher interest cash advance balance. Finally, cash advances do not carry a grace period;. Interest charges begin to mount as soon as the ATM spits out money

Shuffle balance transfer
"Do not worry," tell your husband or yourself. You have a plan. You stupid credit cards can not outwit. You will only transfer your balance from card with high balance and high interest rates on the card. Are you smarter than a credit card company.

not only to transfer balances, but you start to use those nice checks the credit card companies are always sending. You can start paying one card with another card. In the meantime, not wanting to upset your precarious financial balance, and begin to use the cards more to pay for everyday items such as food.

accounts grow. While you used to be able to pay more than the minimum, the minimum is far more than they can pay. In an effort to preserve its fast dwindling cash reserves, you decide you have no choice but to save money using your credit card anymore!

Money Talks
long comes down? Think about these rules written by Thomas Jefferson: 1 Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. 2nd Never trouble another for what you can do yourself. 3rd Never spend your money before you have it. 4th Never buy what you want because it's cheap, it will never be dear to you. 5th Pride costs us more than hunger, thirst and cold. 6th We never repent of eating too little. 7th Nothing is troublesome that we do willingly. 8th Do not let the evil that has never happened cost you pain. 9th I always get things their smooth handle. 10th When angry, count to 10 before you speak, if very angry, count to 100


relief is in sight. Using multiple cards and do not spend your precious cash to pay off those credit card balances gives the (false) sense of security. Your money situation is not so bad. For several months, making a return to normal. In any case, those tiny classified ads will begin running across the country will make you rich, but it will pay off all your cards, and this situation will be something to laugh about five years.

then cards with low interest rates lifts its rate to 18.9 percent. Do you have $ 10,000 balance on that card! That's fine. Staying cool. We still have two cards with you on them. All the while, you're getting deeper and deeper into debt.

What do you do? Eureka, you have a solution! You can apply for more cards, get some more low "teaser" rates, and transfer some more conditions. So you do, and so it goes. Sound familiar?

Dog Logic
Soon, the postman becomes your enemy, as he delivers the bad news. Maybe not smarter than a credit card company after all. Every bill you receive from them now is shocking. You can not afford to pay them. So, to begin to pay some bills on time.

to pay a late card frees some money, but now you are incurring late fees and additional costs of financing due to its increasing poor Bill paying navike.Problem is, you are now in over your head that all their bills begin to look like messages from the enemy. Soon you will begin to create a bunch of unopened bills.

In order to make it through until payday (if only that small ad has generated some phone calls!), You start to pay your other bills late. Late fees pile on late fees. You start to get threatening letters from your creditors. You will soon receive a letter from a collection agency.